Hospice Care: More Than Medical Treatment, Providing Holistic Support
November is recognized as National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, making it an important time to raise awareness about hospice and palliative care. At MorseLife, we understand that discussions about hospice care can often feel overwhelming. Many families grapple with misinformation or a lack of understanding about what hospice entails. In times of serious illness, figuring out the right type of care for a loved one can be daunting, leaving families feeling disorganized and uncertain about the next steps.
While this phase of life can be intensely challenging, hospice care can be about much more than physical comfort and medical support. It’s also a time to reflect, celebrate, and preserve the moments that define a life. Exceptional hospice care should include top-notch medical support and life-enriching services for patients and their families, such as specialty therapies, grief support, and emotional and spiritual guidance.
At MorseLife Hospice, we are committed to providing patients in Palm Beach County with the highest standard of care and comfort, valuing the dignity and legacy of each individual and their families. With our 40-year history of compassionate service to the community, MorseLife has reshaped the standard of excellence for end-of-life care, offering innovative and life-enriching programs and a unique approach to personalized hospice care.
A Holistic Approach
The best care requires an interdisciplinary team of professionals who can work together seamlessly on a patient’s behalf. Quality hospice programs will employ physicians, nurses, hospice aides, medical social workers, spiritual care counselors, and bereavement coordinators who work together to improve each patient’s symptoms and quality of life.
MorseLife offers various traditional palliative care services, such as pain management and care coordination, led by highly skilled healthcare teams. It also offers unique signature programs like the Mitzvah Sensory Care program, rooted in the Jewish tradition of Bikur Cholim, which means “to visit and extend aid to the sick.” This program incorporates holistic sensory techniques to soothe the whole person. Patients engage in meditation and music experiences and receive soothing grooming and massage with scented oils and a compassionate touch.
Capturing Memories and Recording Legacies
Another important aspect of hospice is helping families create lasting memories and meaningful connections.
The ‘Cherishing Life’s Journey’ program was recently introduced at MorseLife, allowing patients to honor their memories and share their legacies with loved ones. Through tailored programs, we help patients capture their unique stories in various ways, from creating personalized keepsakes to recording life stories and fulfilling long-held wishes with virtual reality.
One of these is My Treasure Chest, where patients create cards, videos, and gifts for future milestones like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries, ensuring their presence is felt in the hearts of their loved ones even after they’re gone. Patients can also create their own music or music timelines to share with loved ones, develop an on-screen legacy with photos and videos, or even pen their autobiographies with the caring support of the hospice team.
Support for Families
Families and patients need a great deal of support during this difficult time. Patients don’t want to feel alone, while families want to be included in the caregiving process and may need someone to turn to when their emotions become overwhelming.
MorseLife engages with family through a mobile communication app to support this connection. The app keeps families informed with real-time updates on their loved one’s care.
Comprehensive hospice programs, such as MorseLife Hospice, offer a range of bereavement counseling services, from one-on-one counseling to support groups, helping individuals make emotional and psychological adjustments.